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Supplier List

It shows your supplier list and their information.

Cost Data

Cost Database will tell you the costs of item of every supplier. It will help you to select which supplier gave you lower price.

Order Summary

Shows a summary of purchase order transactions.

Order Details

Shows all items per transaction.

Delivery Report

It is a summary of all item received from your Purchase Orders. It will tell you how many are still remaning.

Re-order Summary

It will show all items subject for re-order. It is based from the setup in your product management.

Supplier ledger

Know all your transaction from your suppplier .


Inventory Summary

This will show you the total quantities and values per product from across your warehouses.

Inventory Details

The summary of the current inventory level and quantity of each warehouse, product category, or brand.

Product List

The list of your product per category or brand. It includes the prices and its multiple prices.

Price List

The Price List shows all the product with corresponding latest price.

Inventory Movement

It will tell you what's happening in your inventory, where it's coming from and where it's going.

Merchandise Report

The Merchandise Report will tell you the cost of your inventory versus the value of your inventory from sales.

Estimated Duration Report

This will give you forecast when your item becomes out of stock and notifies you ahead of time to reorder.

Stock Transfer Report

The Stock Transfer Report generates list from what warehouse your inventory has been transferred.

Stock Return Report

The list of your stock returning from delivery. You can view all the damaged, replaced, and excess delivery.

Fast / Slow Moving Report

This will give you insights about the most sellable product or the product with less sales.


Sales Summary

A list of sales transaction showing a summary of how much has been sold.

Sales Details

A list of products sold from every sales transaction. It will show the cost vs profit of the item sold.

Sales by Product

A list of sales of every product or per product category.

Sales by Customer

A sales list of every customer.

Delivery Report

The list of delivery orders. It will tell you if the sales order has already been delivered or not.

Served vs Unserved Summary

This will tell you how many and why sales inquiry did not go through based your agent remark.

For Stocking Report

The For Stocking Report is the list of client's requested items but is out of stock.

For Order Report

The For Order is the list of items requested by clients but we don't have yet.

Cancelled Order Report

The list of orders created but did not go through.

Agent Commision Report

This is the list of commision amount per agent or overall.


Receivable Report

A list of all your receivables from your clients. It will show all the unbilled and billed invoices.

Billing Summary

The Billing Summary Is the list of Billing Statement sent to your clients.

Collection Summary

A summary of all payments made by customers. It can be sorted by check or cash.

Deposit Summary

A list of all deposited payments. This will tell you how much money went to your bank account.

Check Summary

A list of checks either the checks are ready for deposit or needs to be deposited.

Profit Margin Report

A profit margin will tell you how much profit you made from cost to selling price.

Payable Report

The summary of how much you owe to your vendor.


Trial Balance

It is a list of all the general ledger accounts contained in the ledger of a business from auto entry to manual journal entry.

Balance Sheet

A list of all accounting data transferred from all subledgers including payables, receivables, fixed assets, purchases and projects.

Income Statement

This will tell the profit and loss from your revenue and expense. It indicates how the revenues are transformed into net income or net profit.

Cash Flow

This will show the movement of your money, the incoming and outgoing.

Tax Report

A summary of all income earned with the amount of tax payable to the government.


Purchase Analytics

This will tell the summary of how many are pending and wait for delivery.

Warehouse Analytics

It will show you the bird's-eye view of your warehouse with the latest inventory per Location and the critial stock level.

Sales Analytics

It is a summary of sales per day, per month and per year. It also shows you the trend of sales per year, per item category and more.

Finance Analytics

The Finace Analytics is the real time event of your finance, especially your Receivables and Payables.

Accounting Analytics

This will help you to overview and compare your revenue vs expense.

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